Monday, March 12, 2007

Cook-Off Information (ULTRA-POST)

ULTRA-POST version 1.0 issue 1 page 2


The Cook-Off is coming the date is still not know but will be told before the event happens. This Cook-Off will be judge against normal traditions. It will be graded in quantity NOT quality. Here is an outline of the whole event:

How to start:
-To start you must pay 100gp and 10 feathers for your first 10 fish.

What to do:
-You must have lots of feathers. You give 10 feathers to me I go Fly-Fishing and return back with 10 fish (these fish are either salmon or trout at random). You cook the fish and keep all of them burnt or not in the bank. Then again you give me 10 feathers and I return with 10 fish.

Where will it be:
-I am debating between Edgeville, Barbarian Village, and West Varrock Bank.

[ten fish (can't be burnt) are 1 fish pack]
5 Fish Packs = Bronze Reward
10 Fish Packs = Iron Reward
15 Fish Packs = Steel Reward
17 Fish Packs = Mithril Reward
20 Fish Packs = Adamant Reward
22 Fish Packs = Rune Reward
25 Fish Packs = Dragon Reward
30 Fish Packs = Chef Reward
Most amount = 1st place Reward
Second Most = 2nd place Reward
Third Best = 3rd place Reward
Most Burnt = Ash Reward

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