Monday, April 30, 2007

May Post

Here are the following events for this month.
Award Ceremony submitted by Leader Gaser33
Wilderness Walk submitted by Leader Gaser33
House Party submitted by Major Duspo12 and Leader Gaser33
Admin Nomination submitted by Gold Admin IceAxe

More information will be posted

Aside from that there has been a new change in ranks and less complicated names!

Ranks from Highest to Lowest ingame. Commanders are the same rank. War Hero same rank as Major. War Hero is a temporary rank.

1. Leader (Gaser33)
2. Commander of Magic (Mykrominer)
2. Commander of Range (-)
2. Commander of Melee (Battlecity0)
3. War Hero (-)
3. Major (Duspo12)
4. Officer (Obi143)
5. Fighter (Jasry49)

Ranks from Highest to Lowest on blog. (pen name is used)

1. Leader (Black Raven)
2. Gold Admins
3. Silver Admins
4. Bronze Admins
5. Everyone else

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