Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Comments on Wilderness Walk

Since the ditch has been dug it will be harder to PK. The leader has also changed the requirements. You must have the following stats:

Non-combat stats:
at least one skill that is higher than 40

Combat stats:
Minimum lvl 60 combat

Aside from the new requirements there is also something else new!

Ranks in detail (created by leader)


Commander of Range
Commander of Magic
Commander of Melee

Officer Sub-Ranks
1.Greater Officer* [Level 70+]
2.Lesser Officer [Level 60-69]

Fighter Sub-Ranks
1. Ownage Pker [Level 50-59]
2. Pker [Level 40-49]
3. Attacker [Level 30-39]
3. Pures** [Owned by other ranked person]
4. Defender [Level 20-29]

1. One Strike Outcast
2. Two Strike Outcast
3. Three Strike Outcast
4. Major Banned User

*Duspo12 you might notice you rank has "changed" ,but it hasn't it has been renamed and the Major category has been removed.
**Pures are usually owned by a higher leveled prayer so the will count as the Pures rank no matter what. Even if an owner is a commander.

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