Table of Contents
Ultra Post's New Look
-new stuff
First Annual Black Raven Clan Olympics
Ultra Market
Ultra Ideas
Ultra Post's New Look
Ultra post's new look is now better than ever. It consists of only one big post than many little ones! Thus causing the order of the posts to be unchanged. If version 3.0 is this good what might version 4.0 look like?
All the features of the series 1 have not been added on yet but some have. One of the features is the "Ultra Market" the Ultra Market is basically a market on the clan blog. Just like on forums. There is a certain format all must follow. You must put a title then the content. Finally you must sign using your runescape user name. The comment will be deleted and posted on the Ultra Market. Unfortunately, it is on a separate post for I have not figured out a way to do on one post. This is the only part not on the same post. The next feature is the "Ultra Ideas" this is where you can submit any ideas for events or posts. All you have to do is comment the Ultra Post with a title of Ultra Idea. Your comment will not be deleted and your idea might be used.
Although not all new stuff has been added I will explain the future ideas I came up with. Ultra Movie where you can see a movie that the clan made. Hyperlinks where you can just click and read the article you want. Ultra Mail where you can comment and a email containing the Ultra Post will be sent to you. Clan Person of the Month where a person is chosen to get the award of being the the Clan Person of The Month!
First Annual Black Raven Clan Olympics
This idea was submitted by the Bronze Admin Thank you!!! There are 7 events and 2 categories. The 2 categories are member and non-member.
Member Events
Gnome Course Race
Brimhaven Agility Course
Non-Member Events
Falador to Edgeville Race
Edgeville to Varrock Race
Bank to Bank Race
Cross Country Race
These events will be explained later.
Ultra Ideas
Post anything you want just be sure to follow the Clan Code. [Blog Admins are watching.]
Here is a list of ideas already read. HAVE FUN
Mykrominer[] Thought up some of the ideas
Battlecity0 Reminded me to post the Ultra Post
The blog has new subtitles. Look around and see new things!
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